Transforming our society

We contribute to transforming our society as a whole by supporting historically disadvantaged communities located near our airports in compliance with our Socio‑Economic Development Strategy. Through the implementation of this strategy, we fulfil the requirements of the B-BBEE Act (No. 53 of 2003), the Department of Trade and Industry’s Codes of Good Practice and the NDP.

During the reporting period, we invested R7.9 million in development projects throughout the country (2023: R13.7 million), focusing on the communities in which we operate. These included projects in early childhood development, agri-processing and food technology, malaria prevention, renewable energy, food and gardening, nutrition, entrepreneurship training, carpentry and furniture-making, waste management and recycling, sewing, brickmaking skills and paving, poverty alleviation, and nature conservation.

Socio Economic impact

Company level contribution
GDP contribution R9.4 billion Employment contribution 18 567 jobs Income contribution R3.2 billion

ACSA Corporate Office,
GDP contribution R1.0 billion Employment contribution 5 755 jobs Income contribution R1.1 billion