Independent Non-executive Directors

Dr Sandile Nogxina (66)
Chairman of the Board
Appointed with effect from 9 November 2018*
- Postgraduate Diploma (Management)
- Higher Diploma (Tax Law)
- LLM (Law Development)
- Advocate of the High Court of South Africa
- PhD (Public Governance and Development Management)
Ms Ntombifuthi (Futhi) Zikalala-Mvelase (60)
Lead Independent Director
Appointed with effect from 1 September 2018*
- BProc
- Attorney of the High Court of South Africa

Dr Kgabo Badimo (65)
Independent Non-executive Director
Appointed with effect from 6 August 2020**
- BSc (Computer Science)
- Diploma (Business Administration)
- Diploma (French)
- MSc (Data Engineering)
- PhD (Information Systems Knowledge Management)

Ms Dudu Hlatshwayo (61)
Independent Non-executive Director
Appointed with effect from 6 August 2020**
- B.SocSc (Honours)

Mr Andile Khumalo (46)
Independent Non-executive Director
Appointed with effect from 3 March 2023
- B.Com (Accounting)
- Postgraduate Diploma (Accountancy)
- CA (SA)

Mr Gcobani Mancotywa (54)
Independent Non-executive Director
Appointed with effect from 2 March 2023
- BCom (Economics and Commercial Law)
- Postgraduate Diploma (Management)
- MCom (Management)

Mr Yershen Pillay (41)
Independent Non-executive Director
Appointed with effect from 1 September 2018*
- B.SocSc (Politics and Economics)
- Postgraduate Diploma (Business Administration)

Ms Sibongile Sambo (50)
Independent Non-executive Director
Appointed with effect from 2 March 2023
- B.Admin
- B.Admin (Hons)
- Postgraduate Diploma (General Management)
Independent Non-executive Director

Ms Nonzukiso Siyotula (40)
Independent Non-executive Director
Appointed with effect from 2 March 2023
- BAcc
- CA (SA)
Executive directors
Ms Nompumelelo (Mpumi) Mpofu (58)
Chief Executive Officerr
Appointed with effect from 1 February 2020
- BA (Hons) (Urban and Regional Planning)
- Postgraduate Degree in Town Planning

Mr Siphamandla Mthethwa (50)
Chief Financial Officer
Appointed with effect from 1 May 2020^
- BCom (Accounting)
- Postgraduate Diploma (Accounting/CTA)
- BCompt (Hons)
- CA(SA)

Mr Luzuko Mbotya (40)
Chief Financial Officer
Appointed with effect from 1 December 2023
- CA (SA)
- MPhil (Development Finance)
- Postgraduate Diploma (Accountancy/CTA)

Ms Lindani Mukhudwani (41)
Acting Chief Financial Officer
Appointed with effect from 1 June 2023 to 30 November 2023
- BCom (Financial Accounting)
- BCom (Hons) (Accounting)
- Postgraduate Diploma (Accounting/CTA)
- CA(SA)

Ms Fefekazi Sefara (52)
Company Secretary
Appointed with effect from 1 July 2018
- BLuris
- Postgraduate Diploma (Interpretation and Drafting of Contracts)
- Admitted Attorney of the High Court of South Africa
Board demographics
Executive Committee demographics
- Financial management
- Business administration
- Governance
- Aviation
- Logistics and transport
- Forensics
- Technology and innovation
- Compliance
- Stakeholder management and communication
- Strategic leadership
- Risk management
- Public administration

Our executive committee
Ms Nompumelelo (Mpumi) Mpofu (58)
Chief Executive Officer
- BA (Hons) (Urban and Regional Planning)
- Postgraduate Degree in Town Planning

Mr Siphamandla Mthethwa (49)
Chief Financial Officer
(1 May 2020 to 30 May 2023)
- CA(SA)
- Postgraduate Diploma in (Accounting/CTA)
- BCompt (Hons)
- BCom (Accounting)

Ms Lindani Mukhudwani (41)
Acting Chief Financial Officer
(1 June 2023 to 30 November 2023)
- CA (SA)
- Postgraduate Diploma (Accountancy/CTA)
- BCom (Hons) (Accounting)
- BCom (Financial Accounting)

Mr Luzuko Mbotya (40)
Chief Financial Officer
(With effect from 1 December 2023)
- CA (SA)
- MPhil (Development Finance)
- Postgraduate Diploma (Accountancy/CTA)

Mr Terence Delomoney (56)
Group Executive: Operations Management
- BAcc
- Dip Acc (PG)
- CA(SA)

Ms Lungile Langa (46)
Group Executive: Human Resources
- BA
- Masters Diploma in Human Resources
- Management
- BA (Hons) Industrial Psychology
- MPhil (Industrial Psychology)

Ms Laurene Less (58)
Group Executive: Corporate Services
- BA (Political Science and Psychology)
- MA (Public Administration)

Mr Mthoko Mncwabe (47)
Chief Information Officer
- BSc (Computer Science and Mathematics)
- BSc (Hons) (Computer Science)

Mr Sthembiso Ngwenya 41
Chief Audit Executive
- BCom (Hons) (Accounting)
- CA(SA)

Mr Mzwandile Petros (64)
Group Executive: Enterprise Security
- NQF Level 8
- Diploma (Secondary School Teaching)
- Advanced Diploma (Public Administration)

Ms Lauriette Sesoko (59)
Group Executive: Commercial and Business Development
- BCom
- Diploma in Company Direction

Mr Charles Shilowa (52)
Group Executive: Capital Infrastructure and Asset Management
- BSc (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
- BSc (Eng) (Chemical)
- MBA (Finance); H. Dip Tax Law
- PGCert (Project Finance)
- PGCert (Corporate Finance)
- PGCert (Private Equity)

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