As the following graphic illustrates, our Board and its committees are responsible for the strategic direction of the Group and for financial and fiduciary oversight. The Executive Committee, under the leadership of the CEO, is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Group.
In line with changing realities and the amended strategies and plans that have been developed, we have extensively strengthened and expanded all our internal governance structures, especially those relating to the efficient functioning of the Executive Committee. This process was specifically designed to support the focus and direction of the business in the entirely new geopolitical, economic and social landscape in which we now operate.
In addition to our internal governance structures, ACSA is linked to three international governance institutions, all of which operate on a global, regional and national level. The following graphic illustrates the channels through which these institutions operate on all three levels.
Our areas of focus
Good corporate governance is about ethical, transparent and effective leadership. We create enabling structures within which our leadership, management and staff can operate to the benefit of all our stakeholders. Areas of focus are clearly defined, as is accountability for all deliverables. In every aspect of our business, we aim to foster an ethical culture characterised by the highest standards of professionalism, and our leadership is committed to setting an example of this in its attitude, mindset, and behaviour.
Our areas of focus and accountability for each area are outlined in full in our Governance and Remuneration Report.
Our performance
Our governance performance in all areas of our business is presented in detail in our Governance and Remuneration Report.

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